Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Covid-19'

International Well Building Institute (IWBI) - Free Webcast Series - Part 1: IWBI's Global Community Response to the Novel Coronavirus, March 26

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

This webinar is offered at BOTH 10 am and 8 pm for your convenience.    

The International Well Building Institute (IWBI) is offering a set of FREE Webcasts relate to the coronavirus

Filed under: Health and Air Quality

Buildings and Our Health - News and Information

Keywords: Healthy Building,Health,Coronavirus,Covid-19

0 replies | 1695 views | Posted on: 03/22/2020 | Last updated: 03/25/2020

3-Part Webinar (Free): Quarantine, Responses to COVID-19, by Healthy Indoors, The Building Performance Workshop, & Maine Indoor Air Quality Council

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Healthy Indoors, The Building Performance Workshop, and the Maine Indoor Air Quality Council recorded a series of three webinars on Friday, March 19.  The webinars are now available, with no

Buildings and Our Health - News and Information

Keywords: Healthy Building,Health,Healthy Buildings,Covid-19

0 replies | 1833 views | Posted on: 03/22/2020 | Last updated: 03/22/2020

Video: Common Sense Dos and Don'ts for Dealing with COVID-19 and Indoor Air Quality in Your Homes and Workplace

by Rate It Green Team

Matt Hoots of Sawhorse Design, Inc. has created a video explaining some of the most important factors we should consider in managing cleaning, disinfecting and general safety as we spend more ti

Filed under: Health and Air Quality

Buildings and Our Health - News and Information

Keywords: Health,Healthy Buildings,Covid-19,Homes

0 replies | 4630 views | Posted on: 03/26/2020 | Last updated: 02/06/2023

Free Webcast - Healthy Indoors Show: Healthy Home, Healthy Occupants - Managing COVID-19 Challenges, Thursday 4/9, 1 pm

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Healthy Home, Healthy Occupants:  Managing COVID-19 Challenges

HI Show April 9, 2020 — Healthy Home, Healthy Occupants:  Managing COVID-19 Challenges

Contractor and con

Filed under: Health and Air Quality

Buildings and Our Health - News and Information

Keywords: Healthy Buildings,Covid-19,Healthy Indoors

0 replies | 1290 views | Posted on: 04/07/2020 | Last updated: 04/07/2020

This Week on the Healthy Indoors Show (free) - Cleaning/Decontaminating Buildings for COVID-19, Thursday, 4/16, 1 pm EDT

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

This week the Healthy Indoors Show revisits the topic of what is being done to address properties with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases. What are the cognizant authorities recommending

Filed under: Health and Air Quality

Buildings and Our Health - News and Information

Keywords: Healthy Building,Health,Healthy Buildings,Indoor Air Quality,Covid-19

0 replies | 1000 views | Posted on: 04/14/2020 | Last updated: 04/14/2020

Free CE Webinar, Hosted by GreenHome Institute, COVID-19: Characteristics, Transmission and Control - April 29, 12pm

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

We are in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, a disease caused by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus-2). Our webinar discusses viruses and recent research

Filed under: Health and Air Quality

Buildings and Our Health - News and Information

Keywords: Health,Covid-19

0 replies | 2061 views | Posted on: 04/24/2020 | Last updated: 04/24/2020

FREE Radio BE-Ex Webcast: Healthy Buildings in the Age of COVID-19 with Joanna Frank, May 14, 2pm (EST)

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

As communities across the globe look to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis the role of the built environment will be paramount.  How might the buildings we live, work and recreate in improve the tra

Filed under: Health and Air Quality

Buildings and Our Health - News and Information

Keywords: Healthy Building,Healthy Buildings,Covid-19

0 replies | 1274 views | Posted on: 05/04/2020 | Last updated: 05/04/2020

FREE Webinar: USGBC Carolinas: Behind the Mask: Local Leaders Pitch in to Print PPE During the Pandemic, June 30, 4 pm EDT

by samanthaklein // Intern

Robby Sachs and Alexander Cabral of UNC Charlotte, and Garrett Herbst of Little Diversified Architectural Consulting will share their stories of using 3-D printers to produce protective

Filed under: Webinars

Related to: Other

Keywords: Sustainability,Health,Covid-19

0 replies | 724 views | Posted on: 06/11/2020 | Last updated: 06/11/2020

FREE Webinar: Developing a Flexible Building Operation Plan, June 18, 10 am

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

COVID-19 may be forcing us to re-think our current Building Operation Plan as we prioritize occupant health. However, this doesn't mean that energy efficiency has to take a back seat - we can do b

Webinar: Green Schools Roundtable: Where Do We Go From Here? July 23, 2pm EDT

by samanthaklein // Intern

2019-2020 was a school year like we've never seen before. As we watch infection rates seesaw and try to anticipate what reopening schools might look like in the Fall, this webinar intends to 

Filed under: Green Schools

Related to: Other

Keywords: USGBC,Green Schools,Covid-19

0 replies | 627 views | Posted on: 06/23/2020 | Last updated: 06/23/2020

IWBI Webcast: Healthy People & Healthy Planet - Complimentary or Contradictory? July 9, 11 AM EDT

by Richard Minasian // Student

As we enter into the beginning stages of rebound and recovery, how can we ensure that our decisions are in balance for people and planet? Join, for an upcoming webcast discussion with the World E

Filed under: Webinars

Buildings and Our Health - News and Information

Keywords: Covid-19,Nature,Healthy Planet,Healthy People,Environmental Sustainability,Healthy Building,Health

0 replies | 1867 views | Posted on: 07/02/2020 | Last updated: 07/03/2020

FREE Webinar: Delving into Indoor Air Pollution and Sick Building Syndrome, July 23, 12 pm CST

by samanthaklein // Intern

Michigan Sustainable Business Forum is hosting a webinar that will explore how indoor air quality can impact the health and productivity of employees and occupants.  As concerns for indoor air qu

Filed under: Indoor Air Quality

Michigan Green Building

Keywords: Healthy Building,Indoor Air Quality,Michigan,Covid-19,Ventilation

1 replies | 1035 views | Posted on: 07/11/2020 | Last updated: 07/23/2020

Webinar: Indoor Air Quality in the COVID Era: Commissioning & Construction Considerations, October 8, 2 pm EDT

by EnergyManagementAssociation // Non profit association

In response to COVID‐19, building owners, managers and tenants are rapidly planning how to adapt their current buildings to safeguard against future disruptions to occupancy. A critical part of the

Filed under: Indoor Air Quality

Keywords: Building Commissioning,HVAC,Indoor Air Quality,HVAC Technology,IAQ,Covid-19,commissioning,airflow,covid

0 replies | 1386 views | Posted on: 07/30/2020 | Last updated: 07/30/2020

Webinar: Balancing Health and Energy During COVID-19, September 18, 10-11 am EDT

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Join the Urban Green Council for the next episode of Urban Green Live. Hosted by Urban Green Council CEO John Mandyck, this live interview series features international industry experts to a

Filed under: Health and Air Quality

Buildings and Our Health - News and Information

Keywords: Healthy Building,Energy Efficiency,Health,Covid-19

0 replies | 1642 views | Posted on: 08/27/2020 | Last updated: 08/27/2020

Free Webinar: Building Analytics for COVID-19 and Post-COVID-19 Building Operations, September 17, 2pm EDT

by EnergyManagementAssociation // Non profit association

The current global pandemic brings so much uncertainty into our day to day lives. This informative webinar explores how HVAC building analytics can be leveraged to detect faults that compromise occupa

Filed under: Health and Air Quality

Buildings and Our Health - News and Information

Keywords: Healthy Building,Health,Covid-19,Wellness,building operations,Building Analytics

0 replies | 1216 views | Posted on: 09/03/2020 | Last updated: 09/03/2020

2020 CTGBC Green Building Awards Ceremony, Virtual Celebration, October 29, 4pm - 5:30pm

by SarahA

Join Us for the 2020 Virtual Green Building Awards Event!

See Keynote Speakers Dr. Joseph Allen & John Macomber present!

Filed under: Connecticut

Connecticut Green Building

Keywords: Green Building Awards,Healthy Buildings,Covid-19,Long Term,Virtual Celebration

0 replies | 921 views | Posted on: 10/15/2020 | Last updated: 10/15/2020

Webinar, Presented by IWBI, Equity, accessibility and design in a post-COVID-19 world, October 22, 12 pm ET

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Amid the ongoing global pandemic and calls for racial justice and equity, many organizations – including IWBI – are looking for ways to do better: to make their work, communities and progr

Filed under: Health and Air Quality

Buildings and Our Health - News and Information

Keywords: Healthy Building,Health,Healthy Buildings,Covid-19,Wellness,Equity,COVID19

0 replies | 1120 views | Posted on: 10/17/2020 | Last updated: 10/17/2020

Building Performance Association, Home Performance Regional Educational Series - New England, November 18-19

by SarahA

Stay up to date on top trends and issues in the industry with live and on-demand educational content. Learn about nationally relevant topics like back to work in the COVID-19 environment, heat pumps,

IWBI Webcast: Finding your Inner Sanctuary: Supporting Frontline Workers During COVID-19, December 3, 12 pm EST

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Join the International Well Building Institute (IWBI) for a conversation about the impacts of COVID-19 on essential workers and learn actionable strategies for finding your inner sanctuary d

Filed under: Health and Air Quality

Buildings and Our Health - News and Information

Keywords: Healthy Building,Health,Covid-19,International WELL Building Institute (IWBI),IWBI

0 replies | 1868 views | Posted on: 11/13/2020 | Last updated: 11/13/2020

IWBI Webcast: Learning and Working from Home: Key Takeaways from COVID-19, November 19, 12pm EST

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Join the International Well Building Institute (IWBI) and epxert panelists for a webcast discussion about strategies for creating workplaces, schools and homes that promote inclusivity and access

Filed under: Health and Air Quality

Buildings and Our Health - News and Information

Keywords: Healthy Building,Health,Covid-19,Home Office,Home

0 replies | 1484 views | Posted on: 11/13/2020 | Last updated: 11/13/2020

Free Webinar: Mythbusting: Filtration & Air Cleaning in Schools, Hosted by USGBC, December 3, 3-4 pm EST

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

In the rush to get schools ready to welcome students and staff during or after the COVID-19 pandemic, schools are receiving information from all sides, some helpful and some misleading. Join our panel

Filed under: Green Schools

Buildings and Our Health - News and Information

Keywords: Health,Green Schools,Education,Public Health,Covid-19

0 replies | 1492 views | Posted on: 11/22/2020 | Last updated: 11/22/2020

Webinar: Risk Reducing Strategies for Schools - Post COVID19, January 13, 1-2:30 PM EDT

by Richard Minasian // Student

These speakers are going to share “lessons learning” from how we are dealing with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in our academic institutions. The presentation will go over a short backgrou

Green School Summit for Building Industry Professionals, Presented by Center for Green Schools, February 18 -19

by SarahA

Green School Summit for Building Industry Professionals

Dive deeper into the future of green schools through an engaging dialogue about how design should effectively respond to and enable sustainab

Filed under: Green Schools

Keywords: Climate Change,Resilience,Education,Covid-19,Equity,Sustainable Education,Green School Tour

0 replies | 1034 views | Posted on: 01/20/2021 | Last updated: 01/20/2021

Biophilic Design Virtual Symposium, Presented by Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, March 25, 1pm EDT

by SarahA

Biophilic design is more than just indoor greenery and proximity to plants. There are 14 different patterns of biophilic design that include everything from light and sound to how items are arranged i

Filed under: Urban Planning

Keywords: Sustainability,Health,built environment,biophilic design,Covid-19

0 replies | 1251 views | Posted on: 03/17/2021 | Last updated: 03/18/2021

Biophilic Design Virtual Symposium, March, 1pm-5pm EDT

by Ashley Freeman

Biophilic design is more than just indoor greenery and proximity to plants. There are 14 different patterns of biophilic design that include everything from light and sound to how items are arranged i

Filed under: Green Building Jobs

Related to: Kitchen Cleaners

Keywords: Green Building,biophilic design,Covid-19

0 replies | 964 views | Posted on: 03/23/2021 | Last updated: 03/23/2021