Green Building Community

Rate It Green’s Community is a gathering place for connecting and sharing green building information and experiences. Add your thoughts and questions to our discussions, or create or join a group that interests you. With your participation, we can create a powerful resource and connect green builders across the globe.

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Strategies for Managing Summer Attic Heat - Air Sealing and Insulation

HVAC,air sealing,Heating,Cooling,heat,Attics,Energy Load,Convection,Stack Effect,Insultation

by Rate It Green Team

Join Matt Hoots of Sawhorse, Inc. and Amelia Godfrey, EarthCraft Program Manager for a conversation about attic heat, including why our attics get hot, why this matters, and strategies for managing air and energy leakage to k… more...

  Filed under: Other

0 replies | 2724 views | Posted on: 08/28/2023 | Last updated: 08/16/2024

An Introduction to Dorken: Air and Moisture Barriers for Residential and Commercial Building Products

coatings,Building Systems,Moisture Management,Air Barriers,Moisture Barriers,Foundations,membranes,Control layers,Building Foundations

by samanthaklein Intern

  Sometimes, it's just so helpful to have a knowledgeable introduction from an experienced represenative, as you can learn information you're just not going to get in a brochure, or maybe at all.  In this sit&n… more...

0 replies | 1695 views | Posted on: 07/15/2022 | Last updated: 01/24/2024

First Net Zero Energy Community in Georgia

by Rate It Green Team

Even though we are in a hot building market, it is important to innovate and design based on consumers' ever-growing needs.  The timing is perfect for a house that matches the realities that we are all facing now.  Recent and … more...

0 replies | 3487 views | Posted on: 05/09/2023 | Last updated: 05/31/2023

HVAC Efficiency and Commissioning (a scary story)

by Roy R Engineer working on living a sustainable life

As part of a major renovation of a 100 year old building that houses 46 students we added per circuit electricity consumption monitoring.  A month after the building was re-occupied we noticed that the kitchen panel was consu… more...

2 replies | 4400 views | Posted on: 10/28/2021 | Last updated: 04/03/2023

Take a Virtual High Performance Home Tour with ZeroEnergy Design

Net Zero Energy,ZeroEnergy Design,Low Carbon Living,Net Zero Energy Home

by Rate It Green Team

  Check out ZeroEnergy Design’s Belmont, MA high performance home, and take this online tour at your convenience:!  ZED’s Matt Genaze and Auburndale Builders… more...

  Filed under: Architects

0 replies | 2396 views | Posted on: 11/12/2021 | Last updated: 04/03/2023

How to get FULL value for your GREEN Home: Key Points to Consider in Buying and Selling

Real Estate,Green Homes,financing,Green Real Estate,Green Addendum,Green Appraisal,Home Appraisal,Green Loans

by Rate It Green Team

If you've got 5 minutes to learn about protecting the value of what is likely to be your key asset, it's worth giving Green Builder Matt Hoots a listen.  Matt teamed up with Green Realtor Christopher Matos-Rogers to … more...

  Filed under: Real Estate

1 replies | 3162 views | Posted on: 05/20/2022 | Last updated: 03/31/2023

Building Operator Certification: Smart Buildings Need Smart Operators

Energy Efficiency,HVAC,Lighting,Indoor Air Quality,lighting retrofits

by SPEER (South-Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource)

Did you know most buildings can cut total energy use by 5-30% while fully maintaining or improving both comfort and function? The national Building Operator Certification® (BOC) Program is the leading training and certification program … more...

  Filed under: Facilities Management

0 replies | 5665 views | Posted on: 02/27/2019 | Last updated: 02/11/2023

Minneapolis City Council Approves “Home Energy Score" Requirement for Real Estate Transactions

by Allison Friedman Rate It Green Admin

Home energy data collection is now a part of required Truth in Sale of Housing (TISH) evaluations in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  The data is used to generate an Energy Disclosure report to be used in the City’s TISH report, which mu… more...

  Filed under: Real Estate

0 replies | 2546 views | Posted on: 01/26/2020 | Last updated: 02/07/2023

Rhode Island is the First US State to Commit to 100% Renewable Energy by 2030

Energy,Wind,Rhode Island,Offshore Wind,100% Renewable Energy

by Allison Friedman Rate It Green Admin

In her annual State of the State speech to lawmakers, Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo signed an executive order this month calling for an end to fossil fuel reliance by 2030.  The action makes Rhode Island the first state in Americ… more...

  Filed under: Renewable Energy

0 replies | 3927 views | Posted on: 01/26/2020 | Last updated: 02/07/2023

Stephanie Horowitz of ZeroEnergy Design, Interviewed by Architectural Digest on Architecture and Climate Change

Green Building,Architecture,Netpositive Energy

by Rate It Green Team

Stephanie Horowitz, Managing Director at ZeroEnergy Design, a Rate It Green Member, was recently interviewed for an article by Elizabeth Stamp of Architectural Digest: “How the Architecture Industry Is Reacting to Climate Change.&rdqu… more...

  Filed under: Architects

0 replies | 2306 views | Posted on: 04/03/2020 | Last updated: 02/06/2023

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