
    FREE Radio BE-Ex Webcast: Healthy Buildings in the Age of COVID-19 with Joanna Frank, May 14, 2pm (EST)

  • 14 May 2020
  • Start time : 02:00 PM
  • End time : 03:00 PM
  • Event Host : BE-Ex Building Energy Exchange
Healthy Buildings in the Age of COVID-19
Event Description

As communities across the globe look to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis the role of the built environment will be paramount.  How might the buildings we live, work and recreate in improve the transition back to a world not dominated by sheltering in place?

Joanna Frank is the President and CEO of the Center for Active Design (CfAD), the highly regarded non-profit responsible for the Active Design Guidelines, Assembly: Civic Design Guidelines, and many other compelling resources that translate research on public health impacts into practical solutions that enable designers and community leaders to foster healthy and engaged communities. Perhaps most prominently, CfAD administers Fitwel, the most broadly utilized healthy building certification system in the world.  Carefully designed for accessibility across the broadest spectrum of buildings, Fitwel was developed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and connects the findings from thousands of research studies to design solutions that measurably improve public health outcomes.

Joanna will share the ways in which Fitwel already encourages measures that mitigate the spread of infectious disease, the additional resources CfAD is developing to help people navigate this period, and what they are learning from their deep engagement with the key stakeholders in our industry–from investors to owners to tenants.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • BE-Ex Building Energy Exchange
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Host
      Yetsuh Frank, Managing Director, Strategy & Programs, Building Energy Exchange

      Joanna Frank, President and CEO, Center for Active Design
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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