Green Building Community

How to get FULL value for your GREEN Home: Key Points to Consider in Buying and Selling

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Posted by: Rate It Green Team

If you've got 5 minutes to learn about protecting the value of what is likely to be your key asset, it's worth giving Green Builder Matt Hoots a listen.  Matt teamed up with Green Realtor Christopher Matos-Rogers to put together the information and resources for this video after Matt had a client who asked for the information.  Happily, these folks believe in sharing what they learn widely, and we're of course happy to report on the results.  

When should you take action in the home buying and selling process?  Matt outlines several key stages and opportunities:

  • Select experienced green architects and builders
    • Make sure your team is on the same page
    • Identify any desired certifications and building requirements as early in the process as possible, when it's more cost effective to plan to achieve your goals.  Making changes later can be prohibitively expensive.  
  • Work with a certified green appraiser (Search for Green Appraisers through the Appraisal Institute
    • You can ask your bank specifically for a green appraiser who has received additional training to understand how to properly assess the sustainable and healthy elements of your property. 
  • Complete a Green Addendum for your appraisal 
    • As Matt says, your bank and appraiser can't be expected to know anything that is not in your plans, and they won't know what you've invested unless you tell them.  The value of home elements such as insulation, building envelope measures taken to beat the energy code, more efficient windows, energy efficient appliances like a water heater or HVAC equipment, indoor air quality measures taken, water efficiency investments, and renewable energy aren't necessarily clear without additional information. 
    • Key to getting full value is providing all the information that can be helpful in determining that value.
  • Seek out green financing programs where they are available 
  • List your home on the Green Building Registry (GBR)
  • Last but not least: Work with a green real estate agent 
    • Many professionals are still new to green and healthy features and will not know how to properly evaluate the value of a more sustainable property you wish to buy or sell.  A green real estate agent can help you get your home listed and sold for more - as they do understand these elements.  These professionals can also help a buyer better understand the value of the features they're investing in.  

Want to learn more?  Watch the full video! 

Green Energy Efficient Addendum will help you document the full value of the green features of your home.  



SawHorse, Inc.
4 Ratings 13 Discussions 7 Group posts

SawHorse, Inc.

These are great tools that can be used in any market.


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