Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'LCA Analysis'

Webinar - Measuring Circularity: Why Life Cycle Assessment is Not the Right Tool, Tuesday, 1pm, ET October 23

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

The growing interest in circular materials, products and business models is creating demand for a new generation of tools and standards to measure and assess circularity. Life-cycle assessment has tra

Filed under: Certifications/Labels and Transparency

Keywords: LCA Analysis,Circularity

0 replies | 958 views | Posted on: 10/16/2018 | Last updated: 10/16/2018

An overview of Building Life Cycle Assessment for the construction industry

by Erica Terranova // We work to make Building Life Cycle Assessment easy and fast

What is LCA?


LCA answers the simple question: how sustainable is my product or process? We know products are not equal in terms of their environmental impact and putting a number on