Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'BREEAM'

BREEAM Brings Competition to the US Green Building Certification Market

by EmmamHowe // Marketing/Green Policy Development

BREEAM, the leading UK green-building rating system, has recently crossed the pond, looking to take on its US counterpart LEED in the market for green building. Over the last 24 years, the internation…

Filed under: News

Related to: Certifications/Labels and Transparency ,Other Green Building - Other

Keywords: Green Building,LEED,BREEAM,BREEAMUSA,Certificaiton

0 replies | 3197 views | Posted on: 06/17/2016 | Last updated: 02/13/2017

An overview of Building Life Cycle Assessment for the construction industry

by Erica Terranova // We work to make Building Life Cycle Assessment easy and fast

What is LCA?


LCA answers the simple question: how sustainable is my product or process? We know products are not equal in terms of their environmental impact and putting a number on