Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Goal'

California's Nuclear Energy Coming to a Close

by JackSawyer // Student

PG&E, one of California's largest energy utilities, announced on June 21st that it will be closing its last running nuclear power plant in California, the Diablo Canyon, within the next decade! This i…

Filed under: Energy

California Green Building

Keywords: clean energy,Renewable Energy,Nuclear Energy,Power Plants,California,Utilities,Nuclear,Goal

0 replies | 1833 views | Posted on: 06/26/2016 | Last updated: 06/27/2016

California Sets New Solar Production Record

by JackSawyer // Student

California continues to make tremendous progress towards harnessing 50% of it's energy from renewable sources by 2030, and news coming out this week reinforces that, as the state has managed to set a …

California Green Building

Keywords: Energy,clean energy,California,Utilities,Goal,Mandates,Record

0 replies | 1272 views | Posted on: 07/16/2016 | Last updated: 07/16/2016