Green Building Community

Top 5 reason induction cooking is safer than cooking with gas

Matt Hoots GA, United States 4 Ratings 13 Discussions 7 Group posts

Posted by: Matt Hoots // SawHorse Design + Build

Induction cooking is superior to gas in many ways, and manufacturers are realizing this and adapting according. In 2021, Zline added induction cooktops to their appliance offerings. When I met them in 2020, they had some nice hoods and design-grade gas ranges.  Now they are offering induction because high-end consumers are becoming more aware of the safety and performance benefits of induction over gas.


Why induction is safer than gas

Induction cooking is becoming more popular, and it is because of its numerous benefits, one of which is its safety compared to cooking with gas  Induction cooktops use magnetic fields to transfer heat directly to the cookware, making them a safer and more efficient option for cooking.

Here are some reasons why induction cooking is safer than cooking with gas:

  1. No Flames

One of the main reasons induction cooking is safer is that no open flames are involved in the cooking process. With gas cooktops, you have to use a flame to heat your cookware, which can cause fires and burns if not handled correctly. On the other hand, induction cooktops use magnetic fields to heat the cookware, so no flames are involved. This eliminates the risk of fire, making induction cooking a safer option.  No fire means no chemical by-products from combustion inside your home.  Most of them are not safe to breathe, and if ventilation is not used, then these could affect you and your family's health.

  1. Cool Surface

Another safety feature of induction cooktops is that the cooking surface stays cool to the touch. The cooktop does not generate heat directly, so there is no heat transfer to the surrounding air. The magnetic field only heats the cookware, not the cooking surface, so you will not get burned if you accidentally touch the surface. This makes induct on cooktops safer for households with children and pets.

  1. Automatic Shut-Off

Induction cooktops have an automatic shut-off feature that turns off the heating element if no cookware is detected on the surface or if the cookware is incompatible with induction cooking. This feature ensures no accidental heating of cookware, reducing the risk of fires and burns.

  1. Precise Temperature Control

Induction cooktops provide precise temperature control, which makes them safer to use. You can set the exact temperature for your recipe, and the cookware will heat up quickly and evenly. This eliminates the need to constantly adjust the temperature, reducing the risk of burning or overcooking your food.

  1. Energy Efficiency

Induction cooktops are more energy-efficient than gas ones, making them safer. They heat up quickly and only heat the cookware, which reduces energy waste. This also means the cooktop cools down faster when turned off, reducing the risk of accidental burns.  The energy used to cook is less than gas or electric because over 90% goes directly to cooking the food versus going around the pot and out through the exhaust.

These are just some of the reasons that we have come up with.  We'd love to hear about your experience with induction in the comments below.


  1. Consumer Reports -

  2. The Spruce Eats -

  3. -


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