Green Building Community

The Benefits of Induction Cooking, with SHARP Home Technologies

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Why go with an induction stove? Green Builder Matt Hoots had the opportunity at the International Builders show to discuss the benefits of induction technology with Peter Weedfald with SHARP Home Technologies.  

The top pros of induction technology include:

  • Easier cleaning - The smooth glass surface is easier to clean than a gas stovetop grate

  • Faster cooking - An induction stove can boil water in a minute, faster than a radiant stove and even faster than gas

  • Kitchen Safety - Without open flame, a fire is much less likely.  Burns are also less likely, as the induction stove is basically a giant magnet and only heats the metal cookware.   

  • Energy efficient - 90% or even almost 100% of cooking heat from an induction stove goes into the post, compared to gas at 40-50% of the energy lost in the flame - and dissipating into the home.  

  • Increasingly cost competitive - With growing demand and supply, induction pricing has been decreasing.  With current tax incentives, induction stoves may actually save! 

As induction pricing approaches and beats gas stove pricing, Peter sees it pretty clearly that induction technology will be the clear choice and winner.  Currently, induction has only a 5-6%  adoption rate in the US, though the numbers are higher in the rest of the world.  Education about the technology and health and energy benefits will also impact these percentages. Peter is confident about this shift, stating, "When we all start to learn about induction, I assure you everyone will be cooking with induction - much better, quicker, safer, energy efficient experience.... We are going to see much more induction, I am sure." 

Health and air quality awareness are also playing a significant role in growing induction adoption.  Energy efficient induction stoves are basically large magnets that efficently heat metal cookware, with efficiency greater than 90% and almost 100%, while 50%+ of gas is burned in an open flame and dissipates into the indoor space, bringing pollutants including harmful VOCs.  

Peter and Matt both remind us that regardless of cooking method, properly ventilation is essential.  Occupants must both exhaust pollutants as well as bring in sufficient make up air.  Newer, quieter equipment will help ensure that people turn on their exhaust hoods when cooking, as noise complaints are a top past complaint.  Increased awareness about infoor air quality is also helping to usher in greater use of existing kitchen ventilation equipment.  

Please share your experiences with induction cooktops and other energy efficient and electric kitchen technologies.  What top benefits have you perceived?  What challenges have you experienced and how have you overcome any hesitancies and challenges?  Your stories will help other people learn and make the best decisions for themselves.  Your questions will help everyone learn as well! 


Interested in learning more?  Check out these related discussions and articles:




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