
    July 14th & August 11th: Nature Storytime for Sprouts - Individual Classes

  • 14 Jul 2016
Event Description

Children ages 3-6 and their adult caregivers are invited to join Duke Farms in Hillsborough Township, NJ for a 90 minute nature themed monthly program. Each month Duke Farms' “sprouts” will use their senses to connect to the natural world through nature stories, short hikes, songs and nature crafts.

The following programs remain:

July 14th- Bountiful Harvest: Join Duke Farms for an over and under look at how vegetables grow. They will read books and explore how the Community Garden is growing. Children will have the opportunity to taste some familiar and maybe not so familiar vegetables and make veggie art.

August 11th- In the Tall Grass Meadows: Explore the meadows at Duke Farms. Through books and active investigation child and parent will learn about the diversity that abounds among the grass and flowers.

***At least 1 adult must accompany each child during this program, with no more than two adults accompanying each child. Please note that Duke Farms cannot accommodate any children who are not registered for the program. This includes the younger siblings of any registered participant as well as any toddlers or babies in arms, carriers, slings or strollers.


WHEN:July 14th & August 11th

WHERE: 1112 Dukes Pkwy W
Hillsborough Township, NJ 08844


Youth (3-6): $5 per child
Adults: Free

Get your tickets today and sign your little "sprouts" up for some good, green, veggie fun:

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