Green Building Community

Is Apple Going Into the Renewable Energy Industry?

JackSawyer MA, United States 0 Ratings 11 Discussions 8 Group posts

Posted by: JackSawyer // Student

Apple has recently formed a subsidiary called Apple Energy, it plans to focus on Apple's renewable energy initiatives as well as potentially open up new business ventures for the tech giant. Apple has been investing in solar farms recently and have also followed this up by purchasing an energy-to-waste facility in North Carolina. It appears Apple is making an aggressive push to go green, and this makes sense considering that the recent COP21 saw over 190 countries sign an agreement to lower carbon emissions. By investing in and converting to clean energy, Apple, an international corporation, is preparing and protecting itself from strict regulations potentially coming in the future.

Furthermore, Apple Energy could provide new businesses avenues for the company that could really spark a frenzy in the energy and utilities market. It is reported Apple Energy could start selling the excess renewable energy they produce to end-users at retail prices. This idea could see new competition come into the utilities industry, which in turn, could be another factor that expedites the growth of the renewable energy market. Companies like Facebook and Google have similar energy infrastructures and so we could see them follow in Apple's footsteps if it proves successful.

What do you think about Apple Energy and the idea behind it?

Hepler, Lauren. "Why Apple's New Energy Business Should Scare Utilities." GreenBiz. N.p., 14 June 2016. Web. 17 June 2016.>.



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