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All Electric Summer: Opportunities to "amp up" your electrification expertise

placeholder+imagePosted on: 06/10/2024

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It’s a great time to learn about electrification!  Whether you are just learning about today’s energy efficient electric equipment and appliances, or you’re already somewhat expert, there’s really something for everyone to learn or contribute this summer, as several leading green building organizations are hosting some terrific educational offerings.  And most are free!  Check out Rate It Green's open green building calendar for these and more green building events. Add to our calendar or let us know about additional events, and we’ll list and promote your event in our social channels.
“Amp up” your electrification expertise, or join the discussion at one of these 20+ upcoming events:

If you are new to the topic of electrification, so many of these resources can help take you from 0 to 60, and beyond.  At the highest level, it's key to understand that building electrification means transitioning or switching from powering equipment and appliances with fossil fuels to using electricity instead.  Typically, we're talking about heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC), hot water heating, cooking, and electric vehicles. Often working on these projects starts with or at least involves significant focus on energy efficiency as well, including air sealing and insulation to reduce air and energy leakage.  Efficiency is key, as once a home is performing efficiently, the new equipment can be sized properly, and will have less work to do and therefore will cost less to run.  

As a result of increasing energy efficiency and electrifying, and without reducing performance, you will increase energy efficiency and save money while increasing comfort and improving air quality.  You're also supporting wider efforts to decarbonize, or reduce the amount of carbon emissions, and pollution, immediately and over time as electric grid improvements will continue to help you consume energy with less impact.  There's a lot to think about in making these changes, and all of this educational content should help a great deal, from more detailed explanations, how you might approach projects, and information about state and federal programs to help pay for many electrification retrofits and projects. 

if you're a building professional, many of these online offerings are also geared to help you explain electrification to clients, and some are specifically designed to help you improve your practice. Communicating why electrification is important and what the options are and how people can phase projects and take advantage of available incentives is all essential to growing your practice, and to building with less environmental impact and optimal building performance, including health, comfort, and energy efficiency. 

Read on for related information that may help you on your electrification journey:

Thanks to these impactful organizations for making so much great information available this summer, and beyond.  A special thanks goes to PG&E and SCE in California for hosting the majority of these events. Thanks also to GreenHome Institute, New Buildings Institute, The Department ff Energy's Better Buildings Initiative, and the NJ Chapter of the Sierra Club.  Where many organizations slow their summer programs, you folks did not! 

What information and events can you add to this wider discussion? Are you planning to attend any of these events? Report back, and share what you are learning and related examples from your personal and professional projects.  We'd love to help you inspire others and to help get your questions answered.  That's what community is for! 

Thank you,
Allison Friedman
Founder, Rate It Green

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