
    Free Webinar: Introduction to Variable Capacity Heat Pumps, Improved Comfort and Energy Efficiency, June 20, 9-11am PT

  • 20 June 2024
  • Start time : 09:00 AM
  • End time : 11:00 AM
  • Event Host : Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E)
Free Webinar: Introduction to Variable Capacity Heat Pumps, Improved Comfort and Energy Efficiency,
Event Description

This content offers an introduction to variable capacity heat pumps (VCHP) for contractors who are not yet familiar with this type of HVAC equipment. It begins by defining the type and continues by describing the intended benefits of VCHPs compared to earlier models of heat pumps. Participants take away important knowledge as well as an understanding of where to take their learning next. They learn a simple classification strategy to use to help select the type of VCHP to use on their projects.

The objective of this course is that at the conclusion, participants will be able to:

  • Define how variable capacity heat pumps differ from earlier generations of heat pumps
  • Demonstrate a better understanding of the many choices available in variable capacity heat pumps for residential applications
  • Analyze typical applications of each type of variable capacity heat pump
  • Review the next steps in their journey to learn more about variable capacity heat pumps

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E)
  • Agenda
    • - Introduction and safety message
      - What are Variable Capacity Heat Pumps (VCHPs)?
      - Benefits of VCHPs to Contractors and Customers
      - Types of VCHPs and Terminology"Sources" of the heat used by VCHPs
      - Easy classification strategy for VCHPs
      - Available indoor unit types VCHP applications to consider
      - Next steps to continue your learning
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Jonathan Moscatello

      Jonathan Moscatello is a nationally regarded expert in residential contracting and heat pumps. He and his wife Sarah started The Heat Pump Store, a heat pump only contracting business based in Oregon that has installed heat pumps in over 20,000 homes. Sarah runs the contracting business while Jonathan consults with utility programs, contractors, and distributors to help them grow their heat pump business. In 2021, Jonathan joined Daikin as the Utility Relations Manager to help the company participate more fully in energy efficiency and electrification initiatives.
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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