Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Air Pollution'

Indoor Air Pollutants - Invisible but Affecting Our Health

by Higgins_James // Student

Today, pollution of all kinds affects our planet and our health. Pollution comes in many shapes and forms, but this discussion will focus on specifically indoor air pollutants and the unknown invisibl…

Filed under: Other Green Building Air

Keywords: Pollution,Indoor Air Quality,Air Pollution

0 replies | 2090 views | Posted on: 06/23/2016 | Last updated: 06/23/2016

Webinar: A Deep Dive into Air Permitting - Volatile Organic Compound Rules, August 19, 10 am EDT

by samanthaklein // Intern

Volatile Organic Compounds are regulated under Part 6 and Part 7 of the state air pollution control rules. Part 6 is applicable to “existing” sources and Part 7 is applicable to “new

Webinar: Being Healthy in a Toxifying World, January 31, 6:00pm - 7:30pm CST

by SarahA

Join Steve Stelzer as he discusses the many paradoxes we face regarding staying healthy in a world with toxins in air & water.

Join Steve Stelzer, Program Director at the Houston Green Building

Filed under: Advocacy

Texas Green Building

Keywords: Air Pollution,Environmental Health,Toxins,Environmental Advocacy,Water Pollution,Toxic Waste,Religion and the Environment

0 replies | 983 views | Posted on: 01/02/2021 | Last updated: 01/02/2021

Climate Change and Abortion: They’re More Connected Than One Might Think

by gracemorrison

Times are changing: climate change is upon us and the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, a ruling which guaranteed Americans the right to an abortion. One may be asking oneself how these two are co

Filed under: Environmental Activism

Keywords: Climate Change,Global Warming,Environmental Actvitism,EPA,Health,Enviromental Health,Clean Air Act,Air Pollution,Women,activism

1 replies | 2566 views | Posted on: 07/18/2022 | Last updated: 06/30/2023