
    Smart City Expo Miami, a Hybrid Event in Miami and Online, December 8 - 10

  • 8 December 2021 To 10 December 2021
  • Event Location : James L. Knight Center, 101 SE 2nd Ave, Miami, FL, 33131, United States
Smart City Expo Miami, 2021
Event Description

SMART CITY EXPO MIAMI celebrates its second annual edition in a hybrid format both live streaming and in-person at the landmark James L. Knight Center in Downtown Miami. Smart City Expo Miami is an international innovation platform to promote educational, business and media initiatives to create a better future for citizens, communities and cities.

The 3-day conference features in-depth conversations, lectures, and masterclasses with international experts in the urban planning, infrastructure, climate action and business fields from around the world geared toward empowering citizens and decision-makers to work together thoughtfully in accessing their community’s innovative and economic potential.

As societies, we invest in new buildings, transportation, power, industry. Do we have a plan for the city with people, productivity, and quality of life in mind? Do we have a controlled process that produces successful projects that fit into our plan without wasted time, money, and eliminates corruption? Do we have a plan for maintenance of the completed assets that is locally resourced and sustainable? How do we engage the citizens to contribute to the planning process and create a unified effort? Is there new technology(right now) that is affordable and enables unprecedented participation and ushers in a new era of public support for a revitalized city?

  • Host Company/Organization Name
  • Event type
    • Conference/Expo

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