
    Webinar: The Role of Flooring in Healthy Indoor Spaces, June 30, 1 PM ET

  • 30 June 2020
  • Start time : 01:00 PM
  • End time : 12:00 AM
  • Event Host : GreenBuild, HMTX Industries
The Role of Flooring in Healthy Indoor Spaces
Event Description

Due to increased concerns of pandemics brought on by COVID-19, there's a strong interest in healthy indoor spaces. The need to properly clean and maintain flooring must be balanced with other indoor health concerns. Proper techniques, frequency, and practices are now more important than ever for any building owner or manager.

HMTX Industries is hosting a webinar, featuring in-house expert panelists, who will provide resources and guidance on the proper cleaning and maintenance techniques for three types of buildings: 1) residential 2) mainstreet commercial and 3) healthcare. Balancing the need for a hygienic indoor environment with a commonsense approach to maintaining a healthy indoor space will open the conversation.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the differences of floor cleaning practices depending upon building use.
  • Identify the potential impact of flooring cleaning systems on healthy indoor spaces and how to minimize impact.
  • Describe and communicate floor cleaning and maintenance procedures to building owners.
  • Summarize the cleanability of various flooring types.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • GreenBuild, HMTX Industries
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Rochelle Routman
      Chief Sustainability & Quality Officer
      HMTX Industries

      Rick Taylor
      Director of Training
      HMTX Industries

      Tim Davis
      Vice President of Technical Services/Sales

      Jay Zurn
      Product Support Manager
      HMTX Industries
  • Sponsors
    • HMTX Industries
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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