
    Massachusetts Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy Committee - Legislative Hearing on Carbon Pricing, Tuesday October 12th

  • 27 Oct 2015
Event Description

Legislative Hearing on Carbon Pricing
Tuesday, October 27, 12pm – 3pm (we're expecting this to be a long hearing covering many bills, so we'll use some of the time to make visits to our representatives in the State House)

Massachusetts State House
24 Beacon St, Boston
(meet at the State House steps at noon; the hearing itself is in Room B1 starting at 1 pm)

Each year, Massachusetts sends $18 billion out of state to buy oil, coal and gas. By pricing carbon, we can encourage the development of clean, local energy and keep more of our energy dollars in the Commonwealth.

On Tuesday, October 27, the Massachusetts Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy Committee is holding a hearing on two bills that would put a price on carbon in Massachusetts. We need to pack the room!

Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly:

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