
    Event: Stop the Greenwashing: A coversation with Anthony E. Malkin, February 28, 2017 9am - 10am EST

  • 28 Feb 2017
Event: Stop the Greenwashing: A coversation with Anthony E. Malkin, February 28, 2017 9am - 10am EST
Event Description

Stop the Greenwashing: A coversation with Anthony E. Malkin
February 28, 9am - 10am EST
NYU School of Law
Lester Pollack Colloquium Room, Furman Hall
245 Sullivan Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10012

In 2009, Anthony E. Malkin joined former President Bill Clinton and others to announce a pioneering initiative to retrofit a portfolio of properties in New York City, including the Empire State Building. The initiative has been a powerful vehicle for change; at the Empire State Building, energy use has declined nearly 40% since the retrofits were completed all while improving tenant comfort. On February 28th, Anthony Malkin will join us for a discussion about lessons learned during the retrofits of his properties and reforms that are needed to inspire more building owners to implement meaningful energy efficiency improvements. The conversation will be moderated by Cecil Scheib, Chief Program Officer at Urban Green Council.
Coffee and registration from 8:45am

Cecil Scheib, PE, CEM, LEED AP
Chief Program Officer, Urban Green Council

Anthony E. Malkin
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Empire State Realty Trust

For more information & registration, click:

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