Green Building Community

Top Green Gifts for High Performing Homes - by Rate It Green Member Elemental Green

Rate It Green Team 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 6 Group posts

Posted by: Rate It Green Team

Are you looking for a gift for the sustainable people in your inner circle? Or, maybe even a gift for someone who you’d like to be more green?

Our friends at Elemental Green have put together a fun and clever list of gifts that improve home performance. Items include:

- Built-in kitchen countertop compost bin
- Water-saving dual-mode faucet attachment
- Dual-flush toilet retrofit kit
- Smart Wireless thermostat for electric water heaters
- High resolution home energy monitor
- Smart home automated light Switches - If you can change a light fixture, you can install these
- Smart and ultra-efficient LED lighting
- Water-efficient shower heads - and these are smart, too!
- Home energy saving app
- Smart energy monitor
- Smart mater meter
- Greywater sink

Learn more about Elemental Green:

Visit Elemental Green for the full list and for product details:



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