
    Online: Green Building Certifications: WELL Building Standard, June 25, 10-10:30 AM

  • 25 June 2021
  • Start time : 10:00 AM
  • End time : 10:30 AM
  • Event Host : USGBC Missouri
Green Building Certifications: WELL Building Design with Abigail Sirevaag
Event Description

Green buildings are better for people, the environment, and the bottom line. They steward natural resources and lower our environmental impacts. Plus they are healthier places for building occupants, which is especially important as everyone has a heightened awareness of healthy spaces.

During construction, renovation, repurposing, demolition, or occupancy, buildings use energy, water, raw materials, generate waste, and emit emissions. This has prompted the creation of green building standards, certifications, and rating systems aimed at reducing the impact of buildings on the natural environment through more sustainable design principles.

In our 2021 Summer Coffee Break Series, we will explore a variety of different certifications every other Friday, 10:00 - 10:30 am starting May 28 through September 24, 2021. Join your Green Buildings Are Better community for a quick conversation on current green building certifications. 

The WELL Building Standard® is a performance-based system for measuring, certifying, and monitoring features of the built environment that impact human health and wellbeing, through air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort, and mind. The WELL Building Standard® is third-party certified by the Green Business Certification Incorporation (GBCI), which administers the LEED certification program and the LEED professional credentialing program.


  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • USGBC Missouri
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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