Green Building Community

New York's Retrofit Accelerator Takes Green Building to the Next Level

Stella Ng'oma 0 Ratings 4 Discussions 2 Group posts

Posted by: Stella Ng'oma // Green building enthusiast

NYC Retrofit Accelerator Takes Green Building to the Next Level

New York continues to show a strong commitment to improving energy efficiency and water conservation. Mayor Bill De Blasio’s initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050 saw the launch of the NYC Retrofit Accelerator program on Monday. According to a report by the Centre Daily Times, the Mayor’s office aims to increase the number of retrofits to 1,000 per year by providing free technical assistance and advisory services to building owners. The program is expected to help reduce greenhouse gases by 1 million metric tons per year by 2025. (EDF reports a total goal of upgrading 20,000 buildings, 15% of NYC private housing stock, with a 40% affordable housing focus.)

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