Green Building Community

L.A. Metro to Run on Battery Electric Power by 2030

NSchepis MA, United States 0 Ratings 13 Discussions 10 Group posts

Posted by: NSchepis // Student at Bridgewater State

All 2,200 buses of the second largest transit agency in the United States will run on battery electric power. L.A.'s transit agency announced last month that all buses will run on electricity by the year 2030. Once this transition takes place, good local jobs careers will be created as the buses will be built in Southern California. This is largest transit agency in the country to make such a commitment, and it's about time for low income residents and communities of color that have been dealing with the pollution from dirty diesel and compressed natural gas (CNG) buses. But, they're not even the first transit agencies in California, "Foothill Transit, which runs more than 300 buses from Los Angeles to San Bernardino, and Antelope Valley Transit, which operates more than 85 buses in northern L.A. county" in recent years voted to change to electric bus fleets. The vote by L.A. Metro came after the leadership of the Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti, various city council and L.A. Metro board members who recognized the importance for Los Angeles to get rid of dirty buses. Not to mention bus coalitions and labor groups mobilizing the people of L.A. to be present at board hearings and rallies and release videos about the benefits of zero emission buses. There was even a social media campaign to further convince community leaders using the hashtags #So90s and #LADeservesZero. This transition will not only help fight climate change, but help improve air quality, enhance social equity, and dramatically improve the rider experience.



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