Green Building Community

groSolar Assists in Operation of New Solar Farms in Jacksonville Florida

AbbieKnight 0 Ratings 14 Discussions 9 Group posts

Posted by: AbbieKnight

groSolar Assists in Operation of New Solar Farms in Jacksonville Florida

Rate It Green Member, groSolar, along with companies, JEA, and AEP Onsite Partners, announced the commercial operation of their Northwest Jacksonville Solar Partners solar farm (NWJAX). The seven-megawatt farm includes single axis trackers to track the sun from east to west throughout the day allowing it to be significantly more efficient. Located in Jacksonville Florida, the project is said to produce about 17,000 MW hours of clean renewable energy in its first year of operation, which is enough energy to power more than 1,200 homes. The renewable energy produced yearly is about equal to the carbon offset achieved by planting over 300,000 trees or taking 2500 cars off the road each year. As well as clean energy, the project also provides wetlands flowage improvements and landscaping designed to positively affect the site and the surrounding environment. Myles Burnsed, Vice President of Business Development at groSolar, says “The Northwest Jacksonville Solar Partners Project is an excellent example of how public and private entities can work together to complete a project that will provide significant environmental and economic benefits to the Jacksonville community for years to come.”



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