Green Building Community

Accessible Design, Universal Design, and Social Equity--are we hitting the mark?

Posted by: GreenCE Sustainable Design and Construction // Sustainable Content Creator at GreenCE

I'm new to the sustainable industry, and have been exploring ideas that are new to me but probably not all the experts. Recently, I posted a blog exploring accessible, universal, and equitable design. I have worked in property management in my past and know that needing accommodating housing can make finding a home or apartment a tricky endeavor, let alone dealing with these needs in public buildings and spaces. Even being someone who knows the laws and has worked with tenants on accommodation requests, I can benefit from a perspective shift when it comes to accessibility and inclusion. But this is important in the sustainable AEC world, even though it is already a perspective shift to incorporate sustainable design into a standard approach. Adding universal or accessible design can be a challenge, but we are hopefully on the cutting edge of the built future and want to make sure all possible needs are considered and addressed.

Did you know that approximately 19% of Americans identify as disabled? The most common housing accommodations associated with the disabilities included in the Census Bureau’s last check include:

     -A step-free entryway
     -A single-floor layout Wide doors and hallways
     -Door handles in the form of levers instead of knobs
     -Electrical controls and appliances at lower heights  

Link to full blog post here:
See also Accessible Design, Universal Design, and Social Equity...Part 2, a second post on this topic.  



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