Green Building Community

You Can't Imagine How Easy to Save the World: Four Easy Ways to Go Green

YijunW CA, United States 0 Ratings 53 Discussions 0 Group posts

Posted by: YijunW

go green

2017 is the most expensive year ever for the U.S., stated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA writes on January 5, 2018, during 2017, U.S. experienced 16 weather and climate disasters, losing more than $1 billion and costing about $306 billion. By 2050, there will be more trash (plastic) than the volume of fish in the ocean (World Economic Forum). Please go green and help the world by doing the following things: 1. Take Bodies off Your Plate: Eat Less Meat. Meat production is not only cruel in the sense of killing a life, but also environmentally destructive, responsible for massive amounts of water use, pollution and greenhouse gas emissions (Biological Diversity). A beef cattle consumes about 499,000 gallons of water in its lifetime. So 8 oz of steak costs 920 gallons of water (BuzzFeedBlue, Youtube). 2. Save Energy to Save Money: Buy compact LED when your old bulbs burn out. A CFL bulb lasts around 8,000 hours and an equivalent LED bulb lasts around 25,000 hours. You’re saving $11,520 over 20 years (EarthLED). 3. Use the New Car Wash Technology to Saves Water Traditional car wash uses 15 to 85 gallons of water per vehicle with no water conservation equipment. Today’s new car wash tech uses only eight to 70 gallons per vehicle equipping with some form of water filtration tech (Earth 911). 4. Recycle E-Waste. Keep your electronics and recycle your cell phone. You can recycle your electronics at Best Buy. Best Buy has been the "nation's largest retail recycler of used electronics and appliances." They "take all kinds of used tech, regardless of where you bought it, how old it is or who made it" (Best Buy). We don't need a superman to save the world. We need you. To read more, please visit: Best Buy Earth LED Earth 911 Youtube Biological Diversity NOAA World Economic Forum



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