Green Building Community

Will electric vehicles batteries be a new source of waste?

angelaimingtogreen 0 Ratings 1 Discussions 0 Group posts

Posted by: angelaimingtogreen

batteries reuse

As we know, batteries waste are one of the most polluting elements for the environment and for human health. We think that electric vehicles will be a new way to pollute less, but what's the actual duration of an electric car battery? Won't it be a new source of pollution when it will get wasted? Is it really a way to stop environmental pollution?
I've read an article showing that batteries can be reconditioned. But will it be possible?

here the article:

Allison Friedman Weston, MA, united-states 0 Ratings 103 Discussions 131 Group posts

Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Hi angelaimingtogreen. This is a really great question. We would definitely welcome a longer discussion or article on the topic! As for promoting a course, it's ok to do that on Rate It Green, but I would ask that you do that openly. I followed these links, and they lead to a rather heavy sales pitch where it takes a while to even find the price of the related course. No need! Just tell us who you are and why battery reconditioning is a great idea - and maybe a few key points people might want to know? This can go far on Rate It Green, and we promote all content that can help educate both pros and consumers. Thanks.


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