Green Building Community

WEBINAR, JULY 12: Green Cities & Urban Development

EmmamHowe MA, United States 0 Ratings 13 Discussions 8 Group posts

Posted by: EmmamHowe // Marketing/Green Policy Development

Cities account for over 70 percent of global energy use and 40 to 50 percent of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Do you want to know what are the most cost-effective ways of reducing this using today’s technologies?

Since 2007, the global Energy Efficiency Indicator survey of facility and energy management executives has been tracking energy-efficiency technologies, practices and investments. The results of this year’s survey provide a close look at the trends that are driving urban efficiency, including smart building and smart energy technologies.

Supporting these trends are highlights from the recent World Resources Institute guidebook, “Accelerating Building Efficiency: Eight Actions for Urban Leaders,” which gives actionable advice on how to make urban buildings more energy efficient.

This one-hour webcast will provide insight into how urban and corporate leaders can help cities reach their building efficiency goals. You’ll learn:

- Eight actions leaders can take to accelerate building efficiency on a global basis

- Opportunities for improving urban efficiency through the integration of smart buildings, smart energy systems, and smart city infrastructure

- Strategies for implementing policies and projects to accelerate urban efficiency from real-world case studies.


- Clay Nesler, VP Global Energy and Sustainability, Johnson Controls

- Debbie Weyl, Manager Building Efficiency Initiative, World Resources Institute

- Erick Shambarger, Director of Environmental Sustainability, City of Milwaukee

- John Davies, VP and Senior Analyst, GreenBiz Group

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