Green Building Community

VIDEO: Georgia Lightscapes - Cutting Lighting Bills in Half and Lowering HVAC Costs with LED Retrofits

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Posted by: Rate It Green Team

In this video, Mark Dover of Georgia Lightscapes explains how converting to LED lighting can reduce maintenance costs and lower HVAC energy usage, cutting lighting bills in half.  

Mark explains that LEDs never get hot, unlike incandescent bulbs, so they literally affect HVAC costs. Additionally, there’s no need to change bulbs and ballasts, as the lights can last up to 20 years with an average of 100,000 hours of life (and this continues to improve every year).  Companies can therefore save money on energy and maintenance, while also operating more sustainably.  

Payback is typically in 1-1.5 years, and Georgia Lightscapes also offers a 5-year parts and labor warranty.  Finance options are available, and payments typically equal the energy savings, resulting in no out of pocket costs.  Not bad for what amounts to about a 250% return!



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