Green Building Community

New Survey: 84 Percent of Residents Say Living in a Green Home is Important (The Green Living Trend is Growing-- Catch up!)

YijunW CA, United States 0 Ratings 53 Discussions 0 Group posts

Posted by: YijunW

Hayseeds Creative

Nowadays, community residents are getting more interested in green living.

A 2018 study by AMLI Sustainable Living finds that 84% of residents believe the green building is important and 64% would pay more to live in a green community. In the study, 2,800 residents living in major markets across the United States were surveyed to find out how important green living is to residents.

AMLI's inaugural Sustainable Living Index shows that among the respondents, 84% of respondents say living in an eco-friendly building is very important or moderately important to them, and 85% believe living in a sustainable house is beneficial to their health. More importantly, 64% of residents said they would pay a higher price to live in a green space.

We know that green living is important for residents and we would love to catch up with this trend. Where should we start?

It turns out that lighting is the first step to sustainable living for most people. 46% of property owners surveyed start with lighting on the path to creating an energy efficient building and a greener future.

According to a study from JLL, an American real estate services and investment management company, 46% of property owners spend capital on new lighting when working to create more energy efficient buildings.

So, among so many options, why is lighting top of the list? Why not a solar panel or energy-efficient bathroom equipment?

Carrie Gillis, senior project manager at JLL, says "Lighting consumes approximately 50 percent of a building’s electrical load, which translates to high electricity costs year over year. Many building owners and tenants are opting to install energy efficient LED lighting, and in most cases, this is now required by code. Here in California, any new building projects and retrofits are subject to Title 24 (aka California Building Code), and while it may cost slightly more upfront to comply, in the long run, studies have shown generally reasonable payback periods of two to three years. Surveys have shown that green improvements on a scale of “not at all important” to “very important” leans heavily towards “very important” for building owners. Owners want to protect their asset and green improvements such as lighting retrofit projects, provide that added “boost” of value as opposed to not making the investment."

For more information, please visit

Picture credits to Hayseeds Creative



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