Green Building Community

The Biggest Event in the Green Building Industry is Greenbuild!

Chelsea W. NY, United States 0 Ratings 4 Discussions 12 Group posts

Posted by: Chelsea W. // Student

The Greenbuild International Conference and Expo will take place in Washington, D.C. this year and bring together thousands interested in the green building industry. This is considered to be one of the biggest green building conferences world-wide and is run by the U.S. Green Building Council. There are two parts to this weekend, an expo with hundreds of companies showing the latest products and services, and then a conference with opportunities for discussion and learning.

Dates: November 16-21*
Location: Washington Convention Center
801 Mt. Vernon Pl NW
Washington, D.C. 20001

*Different events happen on different days so you can pay for just the dates you want to/are able to attend.

For more information visit:



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