The Urban Commons?

Rohit Satishchandra MA, United States 0 Ratings 0 Discussions 0 Group posts

Posted by: Rohit Satishchandra

We've all heard of the tragedy of the commons, in which unrestrained individual use exhausts a publicly shared resource. I recently came across an article that describes a phenomenon the author calls “the opening of the Urban Commons,” which features a shift to shared private infrastructure and more communal ownership of energy systems previously controlled by monopolies. The author cites a change in urban preferences to smaller, more connected homes, as well as the rise shared transportation services like Uber and rental bike networks as examples of a greater communal living.

Check out the article here:

Is the shift is as pronounced as the author claims? Are its benefits as widespread as the article says? How could the building industry contribute?

Allison Friedman Weston, MA, united-states 0 Ratings 101 Discussions 131 Group posts

Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

"Shifting to Sharing" - this is such a great concept. I have long been fascinated and worried about what the Tragedy of the Commons means, and if this inability to share efficiently as a part of human nature is the root cause of environmental degradation. But the thought is so hopeful of an "other side" where we can work cooperatively to "build back up" some natural and other capital. Thanks for sharing this!


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