Green Building Community

Beautycounter- Beautiful Products, Made Safely

Chelsea W. NY, United States 0 Ratings 4 Discussions 12 Group posts

Posted by: Chelsea W. // Student

After watching the widely known movie, An Inconvenient Truth, founder of Beautycounter, Gregg Renfrew, became very passionate about environmental health. As a wife and mother of three, she discovered many products she was using everyday both on herself and her family contained harmful chemicals that are known to be linked to health issues. She decided to start Beautycounter, a company that creates safer beauty products that perform. The company thrives on having a "Never List" of over 1,500 ingredients that are never put in their products. They also work with famous makeup artist Christy Coleman to ensure all products perform to their high quality standards.

Check out their website where you can also learn more about environmental health:



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