Green Building Community

Regenerative and Sustainable...What's the Difference?

Posted by: GreenCE Sustainable Design and Construction // Sustainable Content Creator at GreenCE

Regenerative and sustainable. I thought they were the same thing and interchangeable. I was wrong.

Regenerative architecture…focuses on reducing the environmental impacts of buildings. But it also treats the environment as an equal partner in the architecture, creating a symbiotic relationship between the building and the ecosystem it inhabits.

While the idea of sustainability worked when it was first introduced, it assumes what you’re working with is not in a state of damage control. But our environment has gotten to a point where it needs to be improved upon, not just sustained. Sustainability is like a linear path, taking care of what we already have and doing as little harm as possible. Regenerative design and architecture is a circular path, giving back equally or even more, to the planet.

What is your experience with regenerative versus sustainable? Read the full blog post and let's have a discussion!



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