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Massachusetts Bill Aims to Reach 100% Renewable Energy by 2035

ChristinaC MA, United States 0 Ratings 9 Discussions 5 Group posts

Posted by: ChristinaC // Marketing Student

Massachusetts Bill Aims to Reach 100% Renewable Energy by 2035

Last Friday, January 20th, three Massachusetts representatives filed a bill that would commit Massachusetts to obtain 100 percent of its energy from clean, renewable sources like solar and wind. State Representative Sean Garballey (D-Arlington), State Representative Marjorie Decker (D-Cambridge), and State Senator Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton) are responsible for filing this bill, and the timing couldn't be more vital.

“As President Donald Trump takes office, this bill sends a clear message to officials in DC: Massachusetts is determined to keep moving forward on clean energy,” said Ben Hellerstein, State Director for Environment Massachusetts. “We’re proud to work with Representative Garballey, Representative Decker, and Senator Eldridge to move Massachusetts towards 100 percent renewable energy.” Their refusal to back down under such a possible threat to the environment spreads a very positive message to the state of Massachusetts and the nation as a whole: We are not going to roll over, hopeless. Instead, we are going to keep on fighting to protect this planet.

The bill, "An Act to transition Massachusetts to 100 per cent renewable energy (HD.3357)" will require MA to achieve this by 2035 and phase out all fossil fuels by 2050. Many cities across the nation have committed to similar goals in their area, and if this is successful in passing, it could benefit the state and also be a positive influence for other states to commit to the same clean energy goal as well.

One of the main ideas behind this bill is working with and aiding the Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA), which has been in place since 2008. The GWSA requires reductions from all sectors of the economy to reach a target of a 25% reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 2020 and an 80% reduction by 2050. If the 100% renewable energy bill passes, it could complement the GWSA and overall they would strengthen the states movement towards a clean energy economy, and would set the bar high for other states in the nation to do the same.

Additionally, the bill would increase the renewable portfolio standard (RPS), which forces suppliers to purchase a minimum percentage of their electricity from renewable energy resources. If MA is able to reach 100% renewable energy by 2035, than this bill would be obsolete at that time because suppliers would purchase all of their electricity from renewable sources. How fantastic would that be?

It is important to note that there is a chance this bill may not get passed. In this crucial time, I encourage you to continue to advocate against climate change and harmful actions that hurt the environment. This would be a great step towards clean and renewable energy, but it does require some work. After a bill gets filed, it must have a public hearing by the committee which it is assigned to. In Massachusetts we have the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture. This is where you can come in! If you are excited about this bill, and want to see it executed, prepare a testimony for the hearing and argue why the bill is important to you and society.
Interested in participating further in this bill process? Visit:

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