Green Building Community

INhouse at the Solar Decathlon 2015

SolarCalPoly 0 Ratings 1 Discussions 0 Group posts

Posted by: SolarCalPoly // INhouse is an intuitive, interactive, and integrated approach to net-zero residential design in Coastal California

INhouse is intelligently designed to respond to the conditions of the climate in coastal California, such that the majority of its needs for heating, cooling, and lighting are addressed

Net-Zero features:
Redwood passive shade screen
Phase chance material duct
Bifacial solar panels
Energy monitoring
Structural insulated panels
Constructed wetlands

We present a new standard of “in” by creating a notion of ecological living that is enticing as well as achievable. INhouse is an approach to living well, while still living within our ecological means.

Learn more at or @solarcalpoly on social media



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