Green Building Community

Has anyone else been getting calls about electricity going up 13%?

Chelsea W. NY, United States 0 Ratings 4 Discussions 12 Group posts

Posted by: Chelsea W. // Student

Over the past couple weeks, I keep getting calls to my home saying, "Your electricity will go up about 13% in the upcoming months due to new regulations promoting cleaner energy. However if you go solar, you can cut your bill and save almost 60%! Press one now to speak to a representative NOW."

And to be honest, my response was FINALLY! Giving people an economic incentive to invest in clean energy is the push this country needs to finally start changing over.

To get an even deeper look into this situation, I found this article from the NY Post that explains in greater detail why this small spike in electricity price is happening:

Feel free to comment below with your thoughts, opinions, and questions about this change in our energy future!



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