Green Building Community

Developers Urged to Go Green in Cebu, Phillipines

YijunW CA, United States 0 Ratings 53 Discussions 0 Group posts

Posted by: YijunW


Going green in construction and facilities is not just about good looks and savings on utility bills, but more and also about the building resilience, health, and well-being of every single person. However, being a “green building” is not just simply topping some vegetations on the roof.

We have national and international standards and certifications for green builders, evaluating if the buildings are actually green. In the United States of America, LEED and Energy Star are the dominant certifications. In China, Three Star is the only national green building rating system. In The Philippines, PhilGBC’s Building for Ecologically Responsive Design Excellence (BERDE) is the country’s own national voluntary green building rating system. Its chairman, Raymond Rufino urged local developers in Cebu, Philippine to pursue green initiatives.

Raymond Rufino, who serves as the chairman of the Urban Land Institute (ULI)-Philippines National Council, said “going green” today is no longer just a press release stunt or a corporate social responsibility idea, rather, it has become a global movement. He also said, “Developers now build green buildings because they’re demanded by clients and also because it’s already part of the environment regulation.”

Clearly, the green building initiative is taking place all around the world.

To read more, please visit:

Photo credits to Cebu Daily News



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