
    Free Webinar: Hot Water Design for Heat Pump Water Heaters in Commercial Kitchens, November 9, 10-11:30 am PT

  • 9 November 2023
  • Start time : 10:00 AM
  • End time : 11:30 AM
  • Event Host : Pacific Gas and Electric
zero net energy, heat pumps, hot water heating, heating
Event Description

The California Energy Commission is currently pursuing many programs which are aimed at decarbonizing our energy infrastructure including all-electric cooking, space heating and water heating. The commercial foodservice industry has started to adopt efficient electric cooking equipment as the first step towards all-electric, zero net carbon kitchens. This class explains how the foodservice industry can take the most important next step towards zero carbon by addressing one of the biggest barriers: How to replace the traditional gas-fired hot water systems with electric heat pump water heaters. Learn how heat-recovery dishmachines, effective plumbing design, and decentralized, point-of-use water heating are necessary to make heat pump water heaters perform effectively in the demanding commercial kitchen environment.


The objective of this course is that at the conclusion, participants will be able to:

- Describe the water and energy savings associated with heat recovery dishmachines
- Understand the benefits of using heat pump water heaters in commercial foodservice
- Understand how heat recovery dishmachines and heat pump water heaters can make each other cost effective


Image Credits:

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Pacific Gas and Electric
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Michael Slater is a Research Engineer at The Food Service Technology Center (FSTC) in San Ramon CA. He is currently focused on the energy and water economics and savings opportunities in commercial breweries as well as other large service water heating and chilling applications along with lab work and industry outreach and education for the FSTC. Slater has a large breadth of background in many lab settings and significant experience with electricity, gas and water sub-metering technical studies and has been instrumental in commercial scale monitoring projects funded by the US Department of Defense, the California Energy Commission and California utilities. Slater holds a B.S. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from UC Berkeley, where he was first exposed to homebrewing. Slater has amassed about half a decade of brewing experience and is a regular attendee of California Craft Brewer’s Association’s bi-annual conferences and summits.
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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