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Chinese Wind-Turbine Maker offers Wind-Farm Training to Coal Miners

AbbieKnight 0 Ratings 14 Discussions 9 Group posts

Posted by: AbbieKnight

Chinese Wind-Turbine Maker offers Wind-Farm Training to Coal Miners

Wyoming produces the most coal in the US, and is home of Carbon County that is named and known for its considerable coal deposits. However, recently the state’s mines have been closing, resulting in hundreds of lost jobs for people in 2016 alone. A Chinese wind-turbine maker offers hope to these coal miners by training them to be wind-farm technicians. The American arm of Goldwind, a Chinese wind-turbine manufacturer announced the free training program at an energy conference in Wyoming. Goldwind understands that the coal miners have technical knowledge and experience working in tough conditions, which is required to run and maintain a wind farm. Therefore, they believe converting these ex-miners into wind farmers is a natural fit. David Halligan, chief executive of Goldwind Americas said, “If we can tap into that market and also help out folks that might be experiencing some challenges in the workforce today, I think it can be a win-win situation.” To learn more:



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