Green Building Community

Wind Turbines With No Blades, Less noise and Even More Efficient

YijunW CA, United States 0 Ratings 53 Discussions 0 Group posts

Posted by: YijunW

Aerogenerator Revolution: Wind Turbines With No Blades, Less noise and Even More efficient

More efficient, less noise, harmless to birds-- This is the new wind energy technology that is transforming Spain: Vortex Bladeless.

David Yañez, David Suriol, and Raúl Martín reinvent the aerogenerator to a bladeless, efficient, and environmentally-friendly stick that can work on-grid, off-grid, or along with regular solar panels. Residents can put it in a yard or over a roof to harvest wind power.

Vortex Bladeless utilizes vibration resonant wind generator. It is built with a vertical fixed cylinder with an elastic rod. When the wind blows, the cylinder oscillates to generate electricity through an alternator system. Unlike traditional wind turbines, which kill 368,000 U.S. birds and 156 species or more every year (Wallace P. Erickson, et al.), this new technology does not kill birds or other wildlife.

The advantages of this newly developed bladeless wind turbine over a traditional wind turbine are low maintenance, harmless to wildlife, self-running & standalone, lightweight, minimal raw materials, quick response to wind changes, and no need for gears, brakes, and oiling.

The program is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020, which is the biggest EU research and innovation program with almost €80 billion funding to help bring ideas from the lab to the market.

To read more, please visit:
Vortex Technology
Energia Limpia
For further readings, please visit:
American Bird Conservancy
Erickson, W. P., Wolfe, M. M., Bay, K. J., Johnson, D. H., and Gehring, J. L. 2014. A comprehensive analysis of small-passerine fatalities from collision with turbines at wind energy facilities. Plos One.



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