Green Building Community

French President Francois Hollande Will Not Attend G20 Summit in Antalya, Turkey

NSchepis MA, United States 0 Ratings 13 Discussions 10 Group posts

Posted by: NSchepis // Student at Bridgewater State

The G20, an inclusive grouping of countries at varying levels of development and income, is well placed to promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is a universal framework to be pursued by all countries. The 15-year agenda known as “Transforming Our World: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” will guide international community and national governments on a pathway towards sustainable development. 193 Member States of the UN agreed to the Agenda, which contains 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets, a plan to implement those goals, ways create renewed global partnership, and a follow-up review.

In September the World Leaders of the countries included in the G20 gathered at the UN in New York to adopt the Sustainable Development Goals. They will meet again in Antalya, Turkey for the G20 Summit on the 15th and 16th. French President Francois Hollande cancelled his participation in the G20 Summit due to the recent terrorist attacks in Paris last Friday. Instead French finance minister Michel Sapin and foreign minister Laurent Fabius will be in attendance. The leaders are scheduled to meet again in Paris, December 7th and 8th at the COP21 to discuss specific areas of special relevance, including efforts to combat climate change, during which we would expect to see increased security. These meetings are crucial for implementing plans to reach targets for sustainable development by 2030.



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