
    Women and the Environment, "Ladies Lounge," April 21, 6:30-8:30- PM, Boston

  • 21 Apr 2016
Event Description

GA + WEWORK + JUST US GALS Present: Ladies Lounge
Women and the Environment, April 21, 6:30-8:3- PM, Boston

GA Boston
51 Melcher Street
Boston , MA 02210

On the eve of Earth Day, celebrate the Boston women who are dedicating their careers to protecting the planet. Climate change is predicted to disproportionately affect women; as NYMag would say, "even glaciers are sexist." But in Boston, there are many ways to take action. Come hear how local career gals found themselves in the environmental sector and what keeps them motivated!


Tess O’Brien
VP of Strategic Partnerships, EnergySage

Annie White
Associate Director of Digital Products, Sustainaltyics

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