
    Western Mass Green Consortium Green Night - April 12, 5-7 pm - Energy Storage, Beyond Batteries, Greenfield, Massachusetts

  • 12 April 2017
  • Start time : 05:00 PM
  • End time : 07:00 PM
  • Event Host : Western Massachusetts Green Consortium
  • Event Location : Platform Sports Bar, 125A Pleasant Street, Northampton, MA, United States
Western Mass Green Consortium Green Night - April 12, 5-7 pm - Energy Storage, Beyond Batteries, Greenfield, Massachusetts
Event Description

100% renewable energy is possible! But to get there we have to deal with the realities of a brittle electrical grid, when the sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow. How can buildings, and especially housing, be part of the solution instead of part of the problem? How do we provide heating using renewable electricity without further straining the grid or increasing reliance on natural gas and other fossil fuels for power generation? Because of the instantaneous nature of the electricity generation and use, net-zero energy buildings are not sufficient. Because batteries are still expensive and relatively inefficient, they are part of the solution, but can’t balance the grid. Thermal energy storage, district energy, and low-temperature hydronics can make housing a critical component in an energy arbitrage system that balances the grid, makes a profit, and could supply affordable housing with extremely low space conditioning costs and 100% renewable energy.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Western Massachusetts Green Consortium
  • Agenda
    • From 5:00-5:30 grab a drink or order food and chat with others. At 5:30 it’s time to share news, events and make your announcements. The featured presentation begins at 6:00 with Q & A following. At 7:00 we move into the bar where energy is high and we
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Ben Weil is Extension Asst. Professor of Building Energy at UMass Amherst, where he helps direct the new Clean Energy Extension as well as the Building Energy Extension program ( In addition to teaching about sustainability and
  • Sponsors
    • Northeast Solar
  • Cost
    • The event is open to the public, donations welcome.
  • Event type
    • Meeting

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