
    Webinar: Reliability, the Reserve Margin and Seasonal Planning, February 9, 3:30 pm EST

  • 9 February 2022
  • Start time : 03:30 PM
  • End time : 05:00 PM
  • Event Host : Southface
energy, financing, strategy, resilience, urban planning
Event Description

Reliability, the Reserve Margin and Seasonal Planning, including a review of energy and load forecasting, an exploration of the reserve margin and seasonal planning and a discussion of resource options to meet demand.

Southface, Vote Solar and Partnership for Southern Equity invite you to a six-part training and roundtable discussion series designed to give you the information and tools you need for meaningful engagement in the 2022 Georgia Power Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). The IRP outlines how Georgia Power, the state’s largest utility, will direct ratepayer-funded energy efficiency, generation, transmission, and distribution investments over the next 20 years. The utility’s investment decisions, outlined in the IRP, will have broad impact in Georgia. Those decisions can be used to catalyze a regenerative economy through resilient infrastructure, energy equity, environmental stewardship, and economic development.

Georgia Power is required to file its IRP with the Georgia Public Service Commission every three years. The public can direct the utility’s decisions through participation in the IRP process. This multipart training and collaboration roundtable will prepare newcomers and veterans alike to effectively engage in 2022 IRP proceeding and determine Georgia’s energy future over the next two decades.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Southface
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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