
    WEBINAR March 8: Affordable Multifamily Passive Buildings Support Project – Overview and Nationwide examples

  • 08 Mar 2016
Event Description

Affordable Multifamily Passive Buildings Support Project

March 8
4:00 - 5:00 pm EST

Presenter: Katrin Klingenberg, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Passive House Institute US (PHIUS).

In 2015 PHIUS received a grant from the MacArthur Foundation to increase support and design guidance for affordable multifamily housing developers who are interested in applying the PHIUS+ 2015 Passive Building Standards to their projects.

There is a significant need for technical guidance for developers and their design teams who are newly considering passive building standards for their projects. Also, housing finance agencies who are designing incentive programs for projects that meet PHIUS+ standards are in need of guidance to understand what kind of quality assurance is needed and how to write the programs to make sure that projects will be successful. To help assure the quality of projects and programs PHIUS is increasing its certification staff and support capacity and is developing a developers’ resource center. This work is now in progress. The presentation will explain how passive building standards guide buildings to be comfortable, healthy, efficient and super-low in carbon emissions. The most significant program examples and projects nationwide will be highlighted.

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