
    Webinar: Introduction: Lancet Countdown on Public Health and Climate Change - 12/22 1:15 pm EST

  • 22 Dec 2016
Webinar: Introduction: Lancet Countdown on Public Health and Climate Change - 12/22 1:15 pm EST
Event Description

Introduction: Lancet Countdown on Public Health and Climate Change
Webinar 12/22 1:15

Join Island Press, the Public Health Institute and the Security and Sustainability Forum for the US introduction of Countdown.

Announced at COP 22, the Lancet Countdown is being established to track the relationship between health and climate change. It will actively seek to engage with existing monitoring processes, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals and World Health Organization's climate and health country profiles. A set of key climate-health indicators will be published each year before the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change's Conference of the Parties.

The Lancet Countdown is now conducting a global consultation to review the proposed indicators as explained in the webinar, which is Lancet's U.S. introduction of the initiative.


Ian Hamilton is a Senior Researcher and Sustainable Design Engineer at the UCL Energy Institute, UCL in London, UK., with expertise in energy demand in housing, indoor environmental quality and health impacts. Ian has also undertaken research and consultancy on evaluating UK government housing and energy policy, environmental masterplanning design and sustainable development, research on energy demand and energy efficiency in buildings and low carbon technologies

Peter Byass is a Professor of Global Health at the University of Umeå and is the Director of the Umeå Centre for Global Health Research. He has unique expertise in global health, examining the relationships and synergies between sustainable development and climate change with global health.

Paul English is state environmental epidemiologist and branch scientific advisor for the Environmental Health Investigations Branch at the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). Paul has more than 15 years of experience working in environmental public health for the CDPH. He focuses on the public health impacts of climate change, and was a World Health Organization advisor contributing to a systematic review of health indicators of climate change.

John M. Balbus, M.D., M.P.H., serves as a senior advisor to the Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences on public health issues and as NIEHS’ liaison to its external constituencies, stakeholders, and advocacy groups. He also leads NIEHS efforts on climate change and human health.

The webinar will be moderated by Linda Rudolph, the Director for the Center for Climate Change and Health, Public Health Institute. Linda was the founding chair of the California Health in All Policies Task Force, and of the California Climate Action Team Public Health Work Group.

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