
    Webinar: A Bold New Vision for Housing Policy in the U.S., Thursday, February 11, 2 pm EST

  • 11 Feb 2016
Event Description

An Investment In Opportunity: A Bold New Vision for Housing Policy in the U.S.
Thursday, February 11, 2016 2pm EST
Enterprise Community Partners

In early February, Enterprise will release An Investment In Opportunity, a long-term platform that lays out the federal, state and local policy changes necessary to address America’s growing rental housing crisis and create communities of opportunity across the U.S. The platform offers a bold new vision for housing policy, with 23 discrete policy recommendations built around four strategies for reform:

1. Ensure broad access to high-opportunity neighborhoods.

2. Promote comprehensive public and private investments in low-income neighborhoods.

3. Recalibrate our priorities in housing policy and target scarce subsidy dollars where they're needed most.

4. Improve the overall financial stability of low-income households.

This webinar will provide a high-level overview of the platform and discuss Enterprise’s plan to elevate housing issues on the national agenda in 2016. It will include presentations by Diane Yentel, Enterprise’s Vice President for Vice President for Public Policy and Government Affairs, and John Griffith, a Senior Analyst and Project Manager with Enterprise’s Public Policy team, as well as some time for questions from participants.

To learn more and to register:

(While this event does not have a stated green focus at this time, it's anticipated that healthy and sustainable housing will be included in the long-term platform. Enterprise Community Partners has been active in the sustainable space. See:, which includes a link that leads to this event.)

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