
    USGBCMA Emerging Professionals - Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup - April 30th - All are Welcome!

  • 30 Apr 2016
Event Description

USGBCMA Emerging Professionals - Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup
April 30, - 9 am (some information suggests 8 am?)

Join the EPMA's on April 30th, 2016 for our Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup! Over 3,000 volunteers around the Boston Area come together to pick up litter, remove invasive species and assist with park maintenance along the Charles River. This cleanup builds on a national effort as part of American Rivers' National River Cleanup, which to date has removed over 10.7 million pounds of trash from America's waterways!

The group will will meet from 9:00AM-12:00PM at the Esplanade in Boston. A volunteer picnic will be held after our cleanup at 12:30 to celebrate our success! Suggested attire includes closed toe shoes or boots, flexible work clothes and weather appropriate layers.

Please RSVP in advance with your preferred T-shirt size for a free Charles River Cleanup Tee!"

The exact meeting location is TBD but expect to meet at the Esplanade Hatch Shell. RSVP with us and we will forward the list to the organizer. No need to register on the CWRA website.

For more information and to register:

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