
    UGC Forum: Achieving the Carbon Challenge for Hospitals (Nov.7/6-8pm/77 Water St.)

  • 07 Nov 2016
Event Description

Join Urban Green Council for Achieving the NYC Carbon Challenge for hospitals.

The NYC Carbon Challenge is a groundbreaking public-private partnership between the City of New York and private and institutional sectors aimed at accelerating reductions in the GHG emissions from buildings. The program—launched in 2007—now includes 17 of the city’s largest universities and colleges, 11 hospital organizations, 12 commercial offices, 19 residential property management firms, and 19 hotels who have pledged to reduce their building-based emissions by 30 percent or more over the course of ten years.

Explore examples of innovative, energy reducing projects at three participating hospital systems and their next steps toward deeper cuts with NYU Langone Medical Center, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and NYC Health + Hospitals—the largest municipal health care system in the United States—and the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability as the original NYC Carbon Challenge for Hospitals comes to a close in a few years.


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