
    TONIGHT AT 7pm: NCRES Speakers Series: What is Net Zero Water?

  • 19 Jul 2016
Event Description

WHEN: Tuesday, July 19, 2016
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Join Becky Fedak of The Brendle Group as she discusses Net Zero Water (NZW) with the Colorado Renewable Energy Society. Net Zero Water is a concept that aims to change the way water resources are managed; it focuses on making water resource planning decisions based on local conditions rather than targeting historical demand and allowing water quality impacts to flow downstream. The NZW concept helps individuals and organizations become water neutral by understanding your water footprint and taking action to reduce consumption and improve water quality whether you are a building owner, company, school campus, or community.

Becky leads Brendle Group’s water and climate practice areas and supports a wide range of projects, including water footprinting and action planning; on-site energy, water, and waste assessments; green infrastructure implementation; climate action and sustainability planning; greenhouse gas inventories; and energy profiling. She also has extensive experience as a water resources engineer and is well-versed in water operations modeling and large-scale water resources planning and design.

WHERE: The presentation will be held at Odell Brewing Company’s tap room at 800 E. Lincoln Avenue in Fort Collins. Doors open at 7 pm with presentation commencing at 7:30 and running through 8:30 pm.

There is a $5.00 entry fee for non-members but the event is Free for CRES Members (includes one complimentary beverage).

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